
Dorla Tune

A headshot of Vantage Point's Organizational Consultant, Dorla Tune.

Dorla Tune

Organizational Consultant
(604) 630-5827

Dorla Tune is Vantage Point’s Organizational Consultant who supports and strengthens our organizational and leadership training, planning, and consulting services. Dorla has over 20 years’ experience in the non-profit sector which spans across multiple provinces and organizations. She holds a degree in Social Work and Sociology from McMaster University. Prior to working at Vantage Point Dorla held management and director positions in a variety of community-based non-profits including women’s shelters, community health care centres, immigrant-serving organizations, and a neighbourhood house. Additionally, she has spent some time working in philanthropy both within and alongside notable foundations. Dorla is a certified Lifecycles Consultant who leads impactful organizational assessments using this model and her former on the ground experience to create capacity improvement plans that resonate with organization leaders and staff.

With her diverse experiences within the sector, Dorla brings important skills to the team such as cross-sector relationship management, convening, facilitation, and senior leadership experience. She cares about relationships from an authentic, personal point of view. “It is critical to understand what is important to people by not just listening, but also taking in the larger contextual circumstances that are impacting their daily lives.”

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