
JP Baker

If you want to strike up a conversation with JP, some good starter points are books, food, football, and organizational development.

A headshot of Vantage Point's Planning Consultant, JP Baker.

JP Baker

Planning Consultant
(604) 630-5823

JP is our Planning Consultant, ready to support organizations strategize the most effective ways to reach their goals. JP has extensive experience as a facilitator, consultant, researcher, and writer. As a consultant, JP is sought out for his expertise in governance, organizational culture, strategy, process design, and change management. Over the past ten years, he has done strategic planning with a wide variety of non-profit organizations and university departments and led the development of several community-wide plans.

Outside these accomplishments, he also has experience in international language education. Specifically, JP taught English in South Korea – which he loved for both the people and the food – Vancouver, and Victoria, where he ran Mingus Language Services. JP likes to bring his communication skills to his work, active listening, and articulating ideas. He also enjoys making broad connections – between people, ideas, and organizations.

Outside of his role as Planning Consultant, JP is passionate about books – both as a reader and a writer – food, fatherhood, and music (you might even catch him around town performing with his rock band)! If you want to strike up a conversation with JP, some good starter points are books, food, football, and organizational development.

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