
Are You Brilliant? Or Do You Make Brilliance Happen?

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Nov 6, 2012 | Blog

Successful leaders don’t focus on their own brilliance; they seek out and cultivate brilliance from those around them. Successful leaders don’t believe they have all the right expertise and answers; they proactively invite a variety of perspectives so they can make the best decisions.

I’m paraphrasing the words of Fierce, Inc. President & CEO Halley Bock, as she spoke to a crowd of 135 not-for-profit leaders at Vantage Point’s Leaders Forum. The event focused on personal leadership and the importance of conversations in building strong relationships.

The message above caused me to wonder: what if the words “successful leaders” were replaced with “successful organizations”?

Successful organizations don’t focus on their own brilliance; they seek out and cultivate brilliance from those around them.  Successful organizations don’t believe they have all the right expertise and answers; they proactively invite a variety of perspectives so they can make the best decisions.

Do you believe this to be true? Is this belief reflected in your organization’s culture? Would making  this belief front and centre in your organization change the way you value and engage volunteer talent?

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Vantage Point

Our mission is to transform not-for-profit organizations by convening, connecting, and equipping leaders to lift organizational capacity. Every client leaves our programs with resources to excel in their role and grow the impact of their organization.

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