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For Immediate Release
October 30, 2023


Vancouver, BC – October 30 has been proclaimed BC Non-Profit Day – to honour the impactful work of non-profit organizations and gain a deeper understanding of their vital role in supporting communities.

This special day serves to highlight the sector’s significant but often overlooked contribution to the social and economic fabric of our province – and celebrate frontline champions who work for charities and non-profits in our communities and make a difference with their time, talent, imagination, and skills.

BC community-based non-profits deliver essential programs and services to support children, youth, families, seniors, and offer local solutions to complex social issues like food security, housing, childcare, racial discrimination, and emergency response.

The sector’s inherent strength is its grassroots proximity and responsiveness to community needs. As a result, they are well positioned to help inform government policies, programs, and funding decisions. 

The BC Non-Profit Day initiative is being spearheaded by a collective of BC non-profit organizations and the Bhayana Family Foundation to raise the profile of the sector and motivate people interested in careers dedicated to advancing social change. 

There are approximately 31,000 non-profit organizations in BC, according to Stats Canada (including community, business, and government non-profits) representing 335,000 jobs and a $28 billion contribution to the provincial economy. The community non-profit sector alone employs 87,000 people and contributes $4.39 billion to BC’s economy. 


“As a provincial organization collaborating with a network of fellow non-profit partners, we recognize the pivotal role this sector plays in strengthening our communities. We take pride in acknowledging the dedicated efforts of our staff and volunteers, who tirelessly work to create a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable people throughout the province.” 

Michael McKnight, President and CEO, United Way British Columbia 

“BC’s non-profit organizations, no matter their size, scale, and mandate, prioritize and contribute to community wellbeing. Embedded in the fabric of each community they serve, BC non-profits respond to local needs with knowledge, compassion, and tremendous efficiency, ensuring social challenges are met with local solutions.” 

Erika Stenson – Executive Director, United Way Southern Vancouver Island 

“From housing affordability and climate action to reconciliation and economic development, British Columbia’s non-profits work every day to build community-led solutions to our greatest challenges. The more we come together to support and scale these organizations, the stronger their impact. It’s truly a case of 1 + 1 = 3.” 

– Genesa Greening – CEO, Vancity Community Foundation 

“BC’s non-profits provide vital services and support to communities throughout the province. Each day, dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to address diverse challenges and help build healthy, vibrant, equitable, and inclusive communities. BC Non-Profit Day is a celebration of the positive impact they make.”

Kevin McCort – CEO and President, Vancouver Foundation 

“Charitable organizations play a critical role in our province by delivering vital services to our communities. The BC Non-Profit Day proclamation further demonstrates the importance of a sustainable and thriving sector that continues to make our region vibrant. Thanks to all the staff and supporters of the sector who are making an impact!” 

Sandra Richardson, – CEO, Victoria Foundation 

“As non-profits that deliver a wide range of programs and services, YMCAs of BC know the positive contribution the sector makes in supporting determinants of health and wellbeing in people. The collective work of all non-profits plays a vital role in helping people overcome obstacles and strengthening communities.” 

Derek Gent – CEO YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island (on behalf of YMCAs of BC) 

“As the costs of essentials like housing and food continue to rapidly rise, women and families are facing increasing pressures to their safety and stability. YWCA Metro Vancouver, along with other non-profits, provide essential services like safe, affordable housing, early learning and childcare, employment and training opportunities, and programs that help families and women live free from violence. Our advocacy focuses on creating systemic change for just and equitable policies to ensure that everyone is safe and has opportunities to thrive.” 

Erin Seeley – CEO of YWCA Metro Vancouver 

“In many ways, the work of non-profits has never been more important because of the increasing challenges facing British Columbians. We acknowledge and salute the non-profit sector who are on the frontlines of delivering services and support that is unparalleled.” 

Zahra Esmail – CEO, Vantage Point 

“Charities and non-profits are at the heart of every community. Their remarkable staff and volunteers literally transform lives. However, their work flies below the radar and that’s why this day is so important. The BC Non-Profit Day will help make these invisible champions, visible.” 

Raksha M. Bhayana- CEO and Co-founder, Bhayana Family Foundation 

“Non-profits are the face of social supports, poverty reduction, and community empowerment in B.C. Non-Profit Day is another key step in celebrating and supporting the non-profits that people in British Columbia rely on. We will continue to take action to create conditions for our partners to sustain, and grow, so together we can deliver even better services than before.” 

– Honourable Megan Dykeman – Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development and Non-Profits 

For more information about BC Non-Profit Day, please visit: bcnonprofitday.ca 

For more information about the Non-Profit Think Tank partners, please visit: 
United Way British Columbia 
United Way Southern Vancouver Island 
Vantage Point 
Vancity Community Foundation 
Vancouver Foundation 
Victoria Foundation 
Bhayana Foundation 


Media Contact: 
Kelly Gleeson 

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