
Entering the Home Stretch

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Jan 9, 2013 | Blog

The arrival of a new year often marks transition, change – and new beginnings. Here at Vantage Point, we begin this New Year with tremendous excitement about the completion of our new book, The Abundant Not-for-Profit.

Over the next few weeks, as we prepare for the book’s official launch, we will be sharing previews of the content on this blog. 

We’ll also send exclusive discounts and special announcements to our book interest list, so we encourage you to register with us now, if you haven’t already.

Today, we are thrilled to share the front cover with you for the first time. 

Two incredibly talented knowledge philanthropists, Kaoru Matsushita and Pierre Nguyen, created this design. Kaoru answered our ad on govolunteer.ca this spring, and she worked tirelessly with us through the summer on understanding the concept and the images that worked for us. We love her brilliance and we were so excited to be able to capture her talent! When Kaoru returned to the California Institute for the Arts this fall, she recruited Pierre to join her in creating the final design.

We hope you will join us in saying a huge thank you for their creativity and dedication. Please comment below and tell us what you think!


More than a decade in the making, The Abundant Not-for-Profit will allow you to exponentially increase your impact while building long term organizational sustainability. Sign up today to receive exclusive content, special discounts – and be the first to know when the book is released.

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Vantage Point

Our mission is to transform not-for-profit organizations by convening, connecting, and equipping leaders to lift organizational capacity. Every client leaves our programs with resources to excel in their role and grow the impact of their organization.

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