
Highlighting Volunteers in Your Annual Report

Culture: People First
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Feb 20, 2017 | Blog

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Blog | 0 comments

As a primary tool of communicating impact, your annual report tells an important story about your organization: who you are, what you value, how you impact the community, and who contributes to your success. So, it can serve you well to highlight the role of volunteers in your annual report.

Look beyond only counting volunteer hours or volunteer satisfaction rates. Think about the big picture: In what ways did volunteers contribute to your organization? What was the impact of their contributions? How does that matter to your mission?

We offer Vantage Point’s annual report as an example of connecting the work of volunteers to our programs, mission, and organizational impact.

Vantage Point Strategies Society's 2015 Annual Report

Vantage Point Arrow


Carol Neuman

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