
Thank You! And Farewell to 2013

Culture: People First
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Dec 23, 2013 | Blog

As 2013 winds down, we’re reflecting on what an amazing year it has been. 

In addition to engaging hundreds of not-for-profit professionals in our learning opportunities and distributing nearly 1,000 copies of The Abundant Not-for-Profit, we also welcomed four new employees – myself included!  It’s been an inspiring and exhilarating few months of getting to know each other, planning for 2014, and of course engaging with many of you.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Whether we’ve connected with you as a knowledge philanthropist, a reader, a participant in a learning opportunity, a member organization or a friend, you have each played a role in inspiring and building leadership in the voluntary sector.

And – we invite you to share your story with us. What was your most meaningful moment this past year?  How have you grown your personal leadership development in 2013? What success is your team celebrating? What lessons are you bringing into the new year?

We hope you’ll share your stories by commenting below.  On behalf of our entire team, I wish each of you a happy holiday season and abundance in 2014.

Denise Baker headshot


Denise Baker

Denise Baker was the Executive Director of Vantage Point and is passionate about change management and growth, cultivating collaborative environments and developing leadership in others. She has held leadership positions in many industries, including Director of Worldwide Education at Business Objects and Assistant Dean at the Sauder School of Business. Denise has an Honours English Degree and a Master of Library and Information Science from UBC.

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