
The Conversation Starts Now

Book: The Abundant Not-for-Profit
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Feb 13, 2013 | Blog

Over the past two years, more than 50 incredible people have contributed their expertise, knowledge and ideas to create The Abundant Not-for-Profit.

Today, we begin a conversation with not-for-profit leaders across North America.

The Abundant Not-for-Profit is now available on our website as an e-book.

It’s time to challenge conventional thinking in our sector. It’s time to engage the abundance of talented people that are willing – even yearning – to contribute to our organizations, if only we can realize how to work with them effectively.

It’s time to stop bemoaning our lack of resources and start thinking about how to ignite the passion and talent in our communities – and harness it towards our causes. Together, let’s replace scarcity with possibility.{C}

As you might imagine, we are ecstatic to have reached this (major!) finish line. Yet, in so many ways, we are only beginning the conversation. It’s time for you to join in. Today, we turn to you; our friends and readers, to spread the message of not-for-profit abundance.

Here’s what people are already saying:

“After reading through 27 pages (only breaking for meetings and a quick bite to eat), I am enthralled.”

“This book is for people who aren’t afraid to be social innovators in the realm of community engagement.”

“A clarion call for change in the third sector by an organization proving it can be done.”

Download the The Abundant Not-for-Profit today.

Pass it along, share your stories of success, inspire others to build their own abundant not-for-profit.

We think this conversation will transform the not-for-profit sector. Are you ready to join us?

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Vantage Point

Our mission is to transform not-for-profit organizations by convening, connecting, and equipping leaders to lift organizational capacity. Every client leaves our programs with resources to excel in their role and grow the impact of their organization.

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