
When Talent Knocks, Do You Answer?

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Oct 12, 2012 | Blog

Right now, someone with high-level skills and expertise in your community is thinking about volunteering with your organization. When they knock on your door, will you know how to put their talent to work?

This is an actual email our organization received two weeks ago: 

I’m writing to apply for a volunteer position with your organization and feel I’d be a great fit.  I have six years of escalating management experience for 5-200 million dollar businesses across western Canada and have led corporate, political, and retail teams to deliver nation-leading results.

 I’m committed to building a stronger community and would be honoured to have the opportunity to volunteer with Vantage Point as I believe you offer infinite value to the not-for-profit sector.  My primary interests are change management, graphic design, and talent management, but I would be thrilled to assist in whatever avenue you deem best.  

If you received this email, what would you do?  

We want to know what processes you have in place to engage the talents of people who knock on your door. Who in your organization would be the first to respond? Who would have an initial meeting with this potential knowledge philanthropist?

In our next post, we’ll share our process for answering this knock at the door. Stay tuned.

The talent is out there. Would you like to be better at capturing it? 
Join our workshop Oct 22 – Knowledge Philanthropy: How to Find & Engage External Talent.

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Vantage Point

Our mission is to transform not-for-profit organizations by convening, connecting, and equipping leaders to lift organizational capacity. Every client leaves our programs with resources to excel in their role and grow the impact of their organization.

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