Home Workshop Access to Records and Record Keeping with PLEO
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Access to Records and Record Keeping with PLEO

Access to Records and Record Keeping with PLEO

Have you updated your record-keeping requirements to the recent changes with the Societies Act? Need a refresher?  When was the last time you looked at your privacy policy? 

In this workshop tailored to non-profits, hear from PLEO Legal Director Martha Rans on best practices for privacy and recordkeeping to ensure your organization is in accordance with the Societies Act and the Personal Information and Privacy Act.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand your recordkeeping obligations under the Societies Act through a privacy lens
  • Learn how to comply with privacy obligations under Personal Information and Privacy Act
  • Be able to identify legal trouble spots in privacy and recordkeeping, and how to find solutions.
  • Identify what official records you must keep, and ways to organize these documents

Suggested Participants:

This workshop is suitable for all non-profit leaders.

Workshop Benefits:

  • An approachable introduction to the legal requirements of record-sharing provided by experts in the field.

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Martha Rans

Martha Rans, KC, is a lawyer specializing in the legal needs of non-profit societies as well as many visual and multimedia digital artists. She has been practicing law in British Columbia since 1997 and spent 10 years as a labour employment and human rights lawyer/mediator with the BC and Ontario governments. She is a recognized expert on both Canada’s Copyright Act as well as the BC Societies Act. She advises on copyright, charity law, incorporation, privacy, employment, labour, health & safety, human rights, and is an advocate for public legal education and information as the Founder and Legal Director of Pacific Legal Education and Outreach Society, home of Law for Non-Profits.


Sep 19 2024


9:00 am - 12:00 pm



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