Home Workshop Organizational Lifecycles Assessment

Organizational Lifecycles Assessment

Organizational Lifecycles Assessment

Do you feel you’re squeezing all your effort, energy, and resources into delivering programs and services without a moment to take a breath and look at your internal capacity? Imagine if you could step back from the day-to-day operations and gain clarity on where to best build and strengthen your organization.

From our decades of experience working with non-profits here in BC, we know that to truly understand your organizational capacity, it takes an in-depth understanding of your organization, its history, its current realities, and its aspirations for the future.

This workshop supports you to diagnose your organization’s capacity in governance, management, financial resources, and administrative systems.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Diagnose your organization’s lifecycle stage, pinpoint your exact growing pains, and plan next steps for capacity development.
  • Identify steps for your organization to build capacity in governance, management, financial resources, and administrative systems.
  • Self-assess your organization’s current stage using the Nonprofit Lifecycle Selfie tool.
  • Apply the lifecycle lens and capacity framework to improve the impact of your mission and programs.

Suggested Participants:

Executive Directors/CEOs, board members, and other senior leaders of non-profit organizations.
Note: Participants have found this workshop most beneficial when two to three individuals from the organization register together.

Workshop Benefits:

  • Diagnose your organization’s lifecycle stage, pinpoint your exact growing pains, and plan next steps for capacity development.
  • Identify steps for your organization to build capacity in governance, management, financial resources, and administrative systems.
  • Self-assess your organization’s current stage using the Nonprofit Lifecycle Selfie tool.
  • Apply the lifecycle lens and capacity framework to improve the impact of your mission and programs.


“I was introduced to this model eleven years ago and have applied it to strategic planning processes and for planning new projects. Knowing what stage we are in, informs the questions we ask and the resources we need to focus on”. — Howard Jang, Executive Director, Arts Club Theatre Company

Image shows Vantage Point Arrow





Dec 05 2024


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



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