
Downloadable Resources

Check out our library of free resources, including guides, case studies, and toolkits.

From Strong to Abundant

From Strong to Abundant

Building from a strong foundation of excellent governance, leadership, planning, and people practices, Abundant Not-For-Profits create meaningful o…

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Your Revenue Mix Worksheet

Your Revenue Mix Worksheet

The following worksheet will help you visualize your current and ideal sources of revenue, as well as the time required to generate that revenue…

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Board Matrix Sample

Board Matrix Sample

High-performing boards intentionally recruit new board members with a variety of skills, expertise and lived experiences. This tool helps understan…

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Effective Committees Resource

Effective Committees Resource

Committees are valuable vehicles used to accomplish much in a non-profit organization. They are the units that take on specific and detailed work w…

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Consent to Act Form

Consent to Act Form

This consent to act form can be used as a template to help assist with on-boarding new Directors to the board of your nonprofit organization…

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Meeting Assessments Sample

Meeting Assessments Sample

This tool is designed to benchmark where you are currently and generate ideas for continual improvement. At the end of a board meeting, have board…

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