by Vantage Point | Feb 20, 2017
“So That” Chain: Linking Goals, Strategy, & Outcomes Resource Provided By Vantage Point There are many tools and approaches organizations can use to explore the long-term, community-level impact of their work. But before you start working on your...
by Vantage Point | Jan 17, 2017
Stakeholder Survey Resource Provided By Vantage Point This sample stakeholder survey was developed for a fictional community organization that serves families with young children. Surveys like this can be used to gather information about stakeholders and clients in...
by Vantage Point | Jan 16, 2017
Circles of Support Resource Provided By Vantage Point Creating your Circles of Support is a valuable way of identifying stakeholders. With this tool, you can pinpoint which community groups, clients, volunteers and other stakeholders are most important to your...
by Vantage Point | Jan 15, 2017
Stakeholder Analysis Quadrant Exercise Resource Provided By Vantage Point The strategic planning quadrant can be used during strategic planning to identify and prioritize stakeholders based on: 1. Their level of power or influence they have over your organization. 2....
by Vantage Point | Oct 13, 2016
Project-Based People Plan Resource Provided By Vantage Point Scoping new projects and initiatives often begins from a place of financial constraint. But thinking more broadly about the resources at hand can remove this! When starting a new project, focusing first on...