Stakeholder Survey

Stakeholder Survey

Stakeholder Survey Resource Provided By Vantage Point This sample stakeholder survey was developed for a fictional community organization that serves families with young children. Surveys like this can be used to gather information about stakeholders and clients in...
Circles of Support

Circles of Support

Circles of Support Resource Provided By Vantage Point Creating your Circles of Support is a valuable way of identifying stakeholders. With this tool, you can pinpoint which community groups, clients, volunteers and other stakeholders are most important to your...
Stakeholder Analysis Quadrant Exercise

Stakeholder Analysis Quadrant Exercise

Stakeholder Analysis Quadrant Exercise Resource Provided By Vantage Point The strategic planning quadrant can be used during strategic planning to identify and prioritize stakeholders based on: 1. Their level of power or influence they have over your organization. 2....
Project-Based People Plan

Project-Based People Plan

Project-Based People Plan Resource Provided By Vantage Point Scoping new projects and initiatives often begins from a place of financial constraint. But thinking more broadly about the resources at hand can remove this! When starting a new project, focusing first on...

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