
Organizational Assessments

Level up your organization!

Bring your organizational performance to the next level. Our Organizational Assessment and Capacity Improvement Planning will determine areas and activities that offer your team the greatest impact.

Discover Your Current State

Vantage Point will conduct a detailed assessment of your organization across the following five areas:

  • Programs
  • Leadership and Management
  • Governance
  • Systems
  • Financial Resources

This assessment will reveal the current state of your organization across these five dimensions, and from that, offer insight into:

  • Current challenges and opportunities for the organization
  • Transition stages that may be causing additional pressure, and how to move through them

*This approach is based on a model developed over 30 years of experience and research by Susan Kenny Stevens.

Level Up: Capacity Improvement Planning

Based on the findings from the assessment, we will lead your team (board and staff) in a review of performance outcomes that are appropriate for your stage of organizational development, and create an action plan of immediate steps to improve the effectiveness of your organization over a defined timeframe.

Level-up Your Organizational Performance

For more information, please contact our Training and Consulting Program Coordinator, Gawa Desilets, through the form below or at gdesilets@thevantagepoint.ca | (604) 637-8297.

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