
Capacity Building: Strategic Plan Implementation

Workshop Description

Good strategic plans don’t just live on a shelf. They live through effective operational planning and ground-level decisions about programming, finances, hiring, and more.

In this workshop, we will explore the different ways that strategic plans are converted into actions and decisions. This may involve structural changes, leadership support, community engagement, resource allocation, and capacity building. It may also involve operational planning and embedding values into organizational processes and policies.

Suggested Participants:

This workshop is ideal for Executive Directors, CEOs, or other senior staff leaders, as well as Board members, of non-profit organizations who want to translate their strategic goals into action and impact.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Describe different types of operational plans and how they can be developed and monitored
  • Describe types of key performance indicators and other measures of success
  • Identify potential changes to structure, capacity, and communications that will support implementation
  • Identify how resource allocation and budgeting may align with strategic plans
  • Describe the purpose and development of a “strategy filter”
  • Identify ways to embed organizational values in processes and policies

Workshop Benefits:

  • View examples of operational plan templates and strategy filters
  • Have a chance to discuss barriers to implementation and learn from each others’ experience
  • Leave with some practical steps for implementing their strategic plans and realizing their objectives

Find more information

To see if this workshop is currently scheduled, visit our upcoming events calendar. To apply for a bursary for this workshop complete the Bursary Application Form.

For more information, please email info@thevantagepoint.ca

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