
BC Non-Profit Network:
Government Relations & Advocacy

A Voice to Government for the Non-Profit Sector

The BCNN Steering Committee will focus on being a voice to government on behalf of the non-profit sector. To date, Vantage Point and the BCNN Steering Committee have put focus on these areas of advocacy with government:   

  • Strengthening partnership between the non-profit sector and government
  • Establishing a secretariat for the Parliamentary Secretary of Community Development and Non-Profits 
  • Recognition for non-profits in BC 
  • Enhancing workforce stability in the non-profit sector 
  • Improving Funding practices 

Meeting with Government Officials: Non-profit sector partners met together with elected officials at the February 2024 Network Kick-off event with Parliamentary Secretary Megan Dykeman, and at the first BC Non-Profit Lobby Day in April 2024, when a coalition of delegates advocated for the sector’s inclusion in policy considerations to over 25 MLAs in Victoria, BC.  

Government Relations Strategic Plans: In 2025, Vantage Point and the BC Non-Profit Network Steering Committee will develop a government relations plan to engage with newly elected and appointed provincial MLAs, Ministers, and Parliamentary Secretaries. 

Policy Priorities: Continuing from 2024, the BC Non-Profit Network will develop two policy priorities culminating in the publication of policy positions. The BCNN Steering Committee recognizes the importance of communicating the sector’s impact and advocating for policies that will sustain the sector to all parties. 

Lobbyist Transparency Act: 2025 is the formal year of review for the provincial Lobbyist Transparency Act, which has created barriers for non-profits sharing information with elected officials.  Vantage Point, along with its partners, has successfully advocated for adjustments to the Act and anticipates further engagement with the government during this review year. 

Peer Communities for Advocacy Connection and Coordination

Vantage Point hosts a number of Peer Communities, comprised of individuals and organizations, coming together on a regular basis to take learnings, discussions, and resources back to their own organizations, while connecting with peers from across the non-profit sector. These are the two communities focused on government and advocacy initiatives: 

The Provincial Organizations Collaborative is a space for provincial and umbrella organizations to align and coordinate advocacy initiatives. The Collaborative is hosted by Vantage Point and meets on a quarterly basis. 

In response to sector interest and need, Vantage Point will soon launch a monthly Advocacy and Government Relations Peer Community. This is an opportunity for non-profit leaders to support and learn from each other in this important area of capacity building. (COMING SOON) 

Read about all our Peer Communities and find out how to join here. 

Advocacy Education

To support the capacity of non-profits to engage in advocacy and government relations, Vantage Point is reviving and revising our Advocacy 101 and Government Relations 101 trainings and offers occasional webinars on relevant and timely topics.  

Register for these workshops through our Events Calendar.

Join the BC Non-Profit Network Interest List to learn more.

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